Natural Stone Jewelry

1666 Items

Natural Stone Jewelry

1 - 50 of 1666 Items
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Bracelets de perles en cristal de pierre naturelle craquelée à la mode

Pierre Cristal, pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Conception Perlé Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Fissure Style Mode Poids 28g
Fossile blanc|6mm (extensible)Hématite|6mm (extensible)Pin bleu Black Line | 6 mm (extensible)Pin jaune herbe|6mm (extensible)Réseau rouge | 6 mm (extensible)Agate rayée café foncé | 6 mm (extensible)Tonghuang Dongling | 6 mm (extensible)Agate de feu violette|6 mm (extensible)Tigre jaune|6mm (extensible)Altération blanche | 6 mm (extensible)Agate rayée bleue|6mm (extensible)Agate rayée verte|6mm (extensible)Lilas | 6 mm (extensible)Cristal blanc | 6 mm (extensible)Zèbre noir et blanc|6mm (extensible)Sable bleu|6 mm (extensible)Agate patinée rouge|6mm (extensible)Altération jaune | 6 mm (extensible)Vieillissement noir | 6 mm (extensible)Agate de plantes aquatiques|6mm (Extensible)Jade jaune|6mm (Extensible)Mantra noir à six caractères | 6 mm (extensible)Agate noire|6mm (extensible)Yeux de chat blancs|6mm (extensible)Agate rouge|6mm (extensible)Pin naturel|6 mm (extensible)Pierre verte de Shoushan | 6 mm (extensible)Pierre d'ange à motif rouge | 6 mm (extensible)Motif ligne noire rouge | 6 mm (extensible)Pierre de jaune d’oeuf|6mm (extensible)Calcédoine violette|6 mm (extensible)Flocon de neige importé | 6 mm (extensible)Phoenix vert or | 6 mm (extensible)Or vert naturel|6 mm (extensible)Tigre bleu|6 mm (extensible)Pierre ornementale en or vert | 6 mm (extensible)Pierre ornementale en or bleu | 6 mm (extensible)Tigre doré vert | 6 mm (extensible)Afficher plus de couleurs

Bracelets de perles en pierre naturelle ronde à la mode

Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Unisexe Conception Perlé Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Rond Style Mode Poids 25g
Noir Mat B1925Perle de cuivre noir mat B1916Roche Volcanique B0100Perle de cuivre Oeil de Tigre B1915Agate violette B1917Blanc B1918Vert Est B1919Oeil de tigre B1920Agate noire brillante B1923Turquoise blanche importée B1924Oeil de Tigre Rouge B1926Bleu Oeil de Tigre B1921Afficher plus de couleurs

Bracelets en pierre naturelle de placage d'acier inoxydable irrégulier décontracté

Métal Acier inoxydable Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Unisexe Occasion Vacances Modèle Irrégulier Style Occasionnel Poids 10g
Cristal rosePierre blancheVertRougeWollastoniteAmazoneProtéineOr vertCristal de cheveux noirsAméthysteGrenatoeil du tigreCitrineAgate rougePin BleuAventurine vertePaonPin à écorce blanchePierre bleueAgate noireAfficher plus de couleurs

Retro Geometric Natural Stone Agate Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Gender Unisex Material Agate, Natural stone Occasion Street Pattern Geometric Style Retro Quantity 1 Piece Weight 26-30g Spu 65504
Pink crystalobsidianWhite-barked pineColorful CrystalWhite crystalHongdonglingShellColor Hair CrystalGlitterBlue PineTiger EyeWatermelon RedDrawing StoneBlack Line RhodochrositeBlue Grain StoneopalSnowflakeAmazon StoneGreen AventurineRed agatePrehniteAmazoniteRed CoralGold SandIndian AgateColored ShellBlue SandGreen GoldGreen AgateWhite MoonlightAmethystCitrineAfficher plus de couleurs

Anneaux ouverts ronds en acier inoxydable, Style Vintage de base, incrustation de pierre naturelle, plaqué or 18 carats

Catégorie Anneaux ouverts Métal Acier inoxydable Placage Plaqué Or 18 Carats Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Conception Incruster Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Rond Style Style basique et vintage Poids...
HF-J1385HF-J1456HF-J1457HF-J1458HF-J1459HF-J1461HF-J1462HF-J1463HF-J1467HF-J1469HF-J1470HF-J1471HF-J1474HF-J1475HF-J1477HF-J1478HF-J1460HF-J1464HF-J1465HF-J1466HF-J1468HF-J1472HF-J1473HF-J1476HF-J1479HF-J1455Afficher plus de couleurs

1 paire de boucles d'oreilles en pierre naturelle en acier inoxydable, placage géométrique de Style ethnique

Métal Acier inoxydable Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Occasion Voyage Modèle Géométrique Style Style Ethnique Poids 18g
opaleLapis lazuliAgate rougeAméthysteCristal blancAventurine verteLabradoriteobsidienneTurquoiseCitrineCristal roseAfficher plus de couleurs

Bracelet fait main en pierre naturelle, fleur de Style ethnique, œil de tigre Turquoise

Catégorie Bracelet Pierre pierre naturelle, Oeil de Tigre, turquoise Genre Unisexe, Couple Conception Fait main Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Fleur Style Style Ethnique Poids 30g
Style roche volcaniqueModèle TurquoiseStyle Oeil de TigrePierre d'Amazonie de qualité supérieureTurquoise blanche naturelleAgate café rayéeStyle cristal roseObsidienneBracelet Pierre Zèbre RoseStyle Agate Rayée ViolettePierre Royale Lan DiROI VERT HuangshiPierre à grains bleusStyle améthysteBracelet Pierre EmpereurBracelet en pierre empereur-2Afficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Geometric Beaded Resin Bracelets 1 Piece

Classification Bracelets Gender Women's Material Beaded, Resin Occasion Daily Pattern Geometric Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 10g Spu 65449
1. Light Rose4. Light Rose Pink Green Blue Yellow

Bracelets de perles d'agate Constellation à la mode

Pierre Agate, Pierre Naturelle Genre Unisexe Conception Perlé Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Constellation Style Mode Poids 25g
SagittaireScorpionBalanceJinniuViergeLionCancerCapricorneMouton blancPoissonsBouteille d'eauGémeauxAfficher plus de couleurs

Ethnic Style Geometric Resin Beaded Natural Stone Necklace

Classification Necklace Design Beaded Gender Women's Insert material Natural stone Material Resin Occasion Travel Pattern Geometric Style Ethnic style Weight 15g Spu 65053
Green AventurineOrnamental stoneGreen GoldTiger-shaped stoneAgate (0.2 Yuan Per Piece)TurquoiseWhite crystalAmethystCitrineRed CoralPink crystalRedstoneAgateobsidianAfficher plus de couleurs

Bracelets de perles en pierre naturelle irrégulière à la mode

Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Conception Perlé Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Irrégulier Style Mode Poids 14g
Cristal de verre blancJade blancCristal roseHowlitePierre de pop-corn coloréeVerre jaunePierre colorée claireAjouter de la couleur Turquoise RoseAjouter de la couleur Turquoise RougeImitation MorganiteobsidienneAméthystePierre rougeHuang DonglingHongdonglingAventurine verteUnakiteCristal de pastèqueImagePaillettesCélitePierre de sang de dragonCygne doréAmazonite AmazoniteVerre rose élégantVerre bleuVerre bleu foncéAgate de plantes aquatiques d’IndePierre de flocon de neigeRose + RougeViolet + BlancQuartz vert rutilePlaceZèbre noir et blancPierre d'oeufRoue à sept impulsionsCitrineAgate rougePierre de soleil de catégorie ATourmaline noireAgate noirePierre colorée mélangéeCoquille coloréeopaleVerre Agate VerteVerre Agate RougeSablesAgate du Golfe PersiqueBleu vertTourmalinesAfficher plus de couleurs

1 paire de boucles d'oreilles en argent Sterling, Style ethnique, feuille carrée ovale, perle en pierre naturelle

Métal Argent sterling Pierre pierre naturelle, Perle Genre Femmes Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Feuille, Ovale, Carré Style Style Ethnique Poids 31g
Boucles d'oreilles perles en forme de riz à trois fleursBoucles d'oreilles en forme de disque brosséPerles de coquille d'abeilleClous d'oreilles Zircon blanc rose violetClous d'oreilles rose violet violetClous d'oreilles violet rose émeraudeClous d'oreilles blanc émeraude 13 mmClous d'oreilles zircon blanc 13 mmClous d'Oreilles Zircon Rose 13mmClous d'oreilles rhombiques ajourés en forme de carré violet baroqueBoucles D'oreilles Puces Carré Vert Carré Blanc BaroqueEnsemble de boucles d'oreilles baroques en perles platesBoucles d'oreilles en perles carrées roses avec trois fleursBoucles d'oreilles perles carrées rosesBoucles d'oreilles perles carrées blanchesLapis lazuliBoucles d'oreilles ourlées à trois fleursBoucles d'oreilles rondes carrées en perles baroquesBoucles d'oreilles vintage à bordure en perles d'émeraudeClip d'oreille à ourlet brosséBoucles d'oreilles en perles en forme de goutteBoucles d'oreilles en grappe de perles blanches, roses et violettesAfficher plus de couleurs

Natural Volcanic Stone Bracelet White Turquoise Jadeite Yellow Tiger Eye Beaded Bracelet

Gender Unisex Inlay material Natural Stone Occasion Travel Style Simple Weight 20g Spu 8015
B020318-07B020318-17B020318-14B020318-08B020318-03B020318-01B020318-12B020318-11B020318-15B020318-09B020318-13B020318-16B020318-18B020318-02Afficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Eye Stainless Steel Natural Stone Plating 18k Gold Plated Bracelets

Chain material 304 stainless steel Chain type Rope chain Classification Bracelets Design Plating Gender Unisex Gold plating process Ion plating (ip) Material 304 stainless steel, Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern...
|06|04|02|08|05|07Afficher plus de couleurs

Casual Multicolor Natural Stone Beaded Handmade Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Design Beaded, Handmade Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Birthday, Festival, Wedding Pattern Multicolor Style Casual Quantity 1 Piece Weight 30-38g Spu 65533
Tigereye Iron OreBlack LightIron Ore BraceletHematite braceletFrosted Haematite TigereyeTigereye HaematiteHaematite TigereyeIron Ore CrownAfficher plus de couleurs

Vacation Color Block 304 Stainless Steel Natural Stone 18K Gold Plated Bracelets In Bulk

Chain material 304 stainless steel Classification Bracelets Design Handmade, Irregular Gender Women's Material 304 stainless steel, Natural stone Occasion Daily, Holiday Pattern Color block Pendant material 304 stainless steel Plating...
Pink Crystal Gravel GoldGreen Aventurine Gravel GoldGreen Snow Gravel GoldBlue Pine Gravel GoldWhite-Barked Pine Gravel GoldRed Crystal Gravel GoldAmethyst Gravel GoldBlack Agate Gravel GoldYellow Tiger Eyes Gravel GoldBlue Grain Gravel GoldGreen-Blue Gravel GoldAfficher plus de couleurs

1 Piece Retro Geometric Natural Stone Handmade Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Design Handmade Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Geometric Style Retro Quantity 1 Piece Weight 20-32g Spu 3217
Tiger Eye CardBlue Pine Stone Pendant CardBlack Frosted Heart CardTurquoise Love Life CardAmazon Stone Love Life CardAmazon Stone Heart Grandma CardAmazon Stone Heart Sister Card6mm Lapis Lazuli Heart 60Th CardPink Zebra Love Life CardPink Zebra Love Daughter CardPink Zebra Love 16 Th Birthday CardPink Zebra Love You're' CardPink Zebra Love 40bithdayPink Zebra Love Sister CardPink Zebra Love Mom CardPurple Agate Love CardWhite Turquoise Love Life CardPink Zebra Volcanic Rock Daughter CardPink Zebra Volcanic Rock Mom CardPink Zebra Volcanic Rock Sister CardPink Zebra Volcanic Rock CardsPink Crystal Pink Zebra Love PendantPink Zebra Devil's EyePink Zebra Love Lettering Sagittarius CardPink Crystal Red Pattern Love CardBlack Line Rhodochrosite Love CardBlack Line Rhodochrosite Love Heart Thankyou CardBlack Line Rhodochrosite Love Happy CardBlack Line Red Stone Coworker CardEmperor Stone Love CardPink Zebra Love Woven 8birthdayPink Zebra Love Woven DaughterPink Zebra Love Woven You're CardFantasy Amethyst African PineAfrican Pine Love CardAfficher plus de couleurs

1 Piece Natural Stone Heart Shape

Category Natural Stone Beads Material Natural stone Design Crystal, Polishing Pattern Heart Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 7g Spu 24755
20mm Green Aventurine (Single)20mm Tigereye (Single)20mm Golden Swan (Single)20mm Sky Blue (Single)20mm Dragon Blood Stone (Single)20mm Water Plants Agate (Single)20mm Black Flash (Single)20mm Purple Aventurine (Single)20mm African Bloodstone (Single)20mm Labradorite (Single)20mm Red Jasper (Single Piece)20mm Unakite (Single)20mm Blue Dot Jade (Single Piece)20mm Spotted Stone (Single)20mm Picasso (Single)20mm Blue Aventurine (Single)20mm Crazy Agate (Single)20mm Sparrow Eyes Stone (Single)20mm Red Aventurine (Single)20mm Obsidian (Single)20mm Ocean Jasper (Single)20mm Red Flash (Single)20mm Rose Stone (Single)20mm Black White Stone (Single)20mm Pyrite (Single)20mm Jinsi Jade (Single)20mm Red Grass Flower (Single)20mm White Turquoise (Single)20mm White Crystal (Single)20mm Pink Crystal (Single)Afficher plus de couleurs

Minimalist Solid Color Natural Stone Polishing Charms

Category Natural Stone Pendants Material Natural stone Design Polishing Pattern Solid color Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 7g Spu 25980
Blue Dot Jade (Single Piece)Tigereye (Single)Golden Swan (Single)Unakite (Single)Red Agate (Single)Indian Agate (Single)Rainbow Stone (Single)Spotted Stone (Single)Obsidian (Single)Pink Crystal (Single)Gray Agate (Single)White Agate (Single)Crazy Agate (Single)White Crystal (Single)Green Aventurine (Single)Opal (Single)Afficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Geometric Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets

Chain material Glass bead, Natural stone Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Geometric Style Fashion Weight 9-20g Spu 3068
Black Light BeadsFrostedMalachiteHaematiteAmazonWatermelon CrystalHowlitePink crystalBlue Sand StoneBlue stripedTiger EyePhoenix StoneBlack agateBlack Mold Sand AgateRed agateLapis LazuliBlack Line Red PatternWatermelon RedRed Tiger EyeRhodochrositeRed JasperAfrican PineAmethystGarnetMoonstoneAfficher plus de couleurs

1 paire de boucles d'oreilles en pierre naturelle, Style rétro Simple, placage rond en acier inoxydable

Métal Acier inoxydable Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Rond Style Style rétro et simple Poids 5g
obsidienneCristal roseambreoeil du tigrePin vertcouleurCalcédoine verteJade roseCornalineLapis lazuliopalePin BleuAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Solid Color Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets 1 Piece

Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Women's Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Solid color Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 10-12g Spu 65292
Mixed Watermelon|StretchBlack Glass|StretchWatermelon Red|StretchGrass Yellow Pine|StretchWhite|StretchBlack Network|StretchMap|StretchRed plum blossom|StretchHuang Dongling|StretchGreen Dot Jade|StretchDomestic Snowflake|StretchBlue Agate|StretchGolden Swan|StretchSpot|StretchHongdongling|StretchBlue Cat Eye|StretchTopaz|StretchIndian Agate|StretchImitation Aquamarine|StretchRed and Green Treasure|StretchAmazon|StretchRed agate|StretchGreen Cat's Eye|StretchLight Green Cat's Eye|StretchLilac|StretchGreen Aventurine|StretchFlash|StretchLight Blue Cat's Eye|StretchWhite Cat Eyes|StretchImport White-Barked Pine|StretchBlack and White Zebra|StretchNew Lark|StretchFlower Agate|StretchWhite Crazy Agate|StretchAfrican Chicken Blood|StretchShoushan stone|StretchEgg Yolk|StretchBlue Pattern a|StretchFluorite|StretchAfficher plus de couleurs

Colliers superposés en alliage de pierre naturelle, étoile et lune, à la mode

Catégorie Colliers superposés Métal Alliage Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Lune, étoile Style Mode Poids 13g
NoirTurquoiseAventurine verteopaleRequin bleuPoint Bleu BlancCristal roseAméthysteAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Alloy Necklace In Bulk

Chain material 201 stainless steel Classification Necklace Color Blue, White Gender Unisex Material Alloy Occasion Travel, Wedding Pendant material Zinc alloy Style Fashion Weight 15g Spu 65111
Nsn0115 CrossNsn0114 CrossNsn0111 Tigereye CrossNsn0112 Blue Point Stone CrossNsn0113 White Turquoise CrossNsn0116 CrossNsn0117 CrossNsn0118 CrossNsn0119 CrossNsn0120 CrossAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Round Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets 1 Piece

Chain material Brass, Freshwater pearl, Glass bead Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Round Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 17-20g Spu 833
Green Pine|ElasticMottled Amazon|ElasticColored Striped Agate|ElasticColorful Peacock Bracelet|ElasticAB Redstone|ElasticBloodstone|ElasticYellow Tiger|ElasticRed and Green Treasure|ElasticRed Tiger Eye|ElasticBlue Wind|ElasticEmerald|ElasticBlue Cat Eye|ElasticOrange Cat's Eye|ElasticDeep Blue Stripes Agate|ElasticBlack agate|ElasticFlower Agate|ElasticRussian Jade|ElasticAB Water Plants Agate|ElasticPink Zebra|ElasticWhite agate|ElasticNatural Bamboo Leaf Agate|ElasticBlack and White Zebra|ElasticJin Yao|ElasticAfrican Bloodstone|ElasticRed Pattern Angel Stone|ElasticCrazy Agate|ElasticDragon Blood Stone|ElasticYinyao Stone|ElasticBlack Line Red Pattern|ElasticA Goods Blue Pattern|ElasticBlack Emperor Royal Stone|ElasticNatural Amethyst|ElasticYellow Flash|ElasticBlack hair crystal|ElasticGreen Tiger|ElasticPurple Fluorite|ElasticNew Blue Purple Tiger|ElasticNatural Gray Flash|ElasticAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Geometric Stainless Steel Necklace Plating Natural Stone Stainless Steel Necklaces 1 Piece

Classification Necklace Design Plating Event & party supplies Costume props Gender Women's Inlay material Natural stone Material Stainless steel Occasion Wedding Pattern Geometric Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 2-10g...
White-barked pine|Pure Necklace without CardSapphire|Pure Necklace without CardGreen Pine|Pure Necklace without CardCitrine|Pure Necklace without CardPink crystal|Pure Necklace without CardAmethyst|Pure Necklace without CardBlue Agate|Pure Necklace without CardOlivine|Pure Necklace without CardRuby|Pure Necklace without CardEmerald|Pure Necklace without CardAll Chains Are Golden by Default. Note for Silver Chain Entry|Pure Necklace without CardWhite-barked pine|with CardSapphire|with CardGreen Pine|with CardCitrine|with CardPink crystal|with CardAmethyst|with CardBlue Agate|with CardOlivine|with CardGlitter|with CardRuby|with CardEmerald|with CardAll Chains Are Golden by Default. Note for Silver Chain Entry|with CardGarnet|Pure Necklace without CardMoonstone|Pure Necklace without CardAquamarine|Pure Necklace without CardGarnet|with CardMoonstone|with CardAfficher plus de couleurs

1 Piece Natural Stone Hexagon Prism

Category Natural Stone Pendants Material Natural stone Design Polishing Pattern Hexagon prism Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 6-8g Spu 25808
AmethystProteinLapis LazuliHuangshiLuminous StoneRed JadeWatermelon RedWatermelon BlueVolcanic rockTurquoisePurple Hemp SpotPink crystalWhite crystalAventurineobsidianWhite Blue (Dotted Blue)UnakiteGolden SwanBlack GlitterBlue AventurineSpotted stoneSesame RedRed and Green TreasureWhite StoneLabradoritePurple JadeWhite Cat EyesTigereyeRhodochrositeWhite turquoiseDrawing StoneGold SandBlue SandRed Jasper (Redstone)Natural Red AgateBlue AgateRose Red AgatePurple AgateColorful FluoriteGreen FluoriteAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Hexagon Prism Alloy Natural Stone Cable Chain Pendant Necklace In Bulk

Chain material Alloy Chain type Cable chain Classification Pendant necklace Design Plating Gender Women's Material Alloy, Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Hexagon prism Pendant material Natural stone Style Fashion Quantity...
Protein + ChainTransparent + ChainGreen Aventurine + ChainWatermelon Red + ChainLapis Lazuli + ChainSands + ChainWhite Turquoise + ChainPink Crystal + ChainRose Aurora + ChainTiger Eye + ChainMalachite + ChainBlack Agate + ChainGreen Pine + ChainWhite Crystal + ChainAfficher plus de couleurs

Bracelets de placage de perles d'agate en alliage d'arbre de feuille de mode

Métal Alliage Pierre Agate, Pierre Naturelle Genre Femmes Conception Perlé Couleur Rouge, Rouge Pastèque, Vin Rouge Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Feuille, Arbre Style Mode Poids 60g
Rouge | 1 pièceCouleur colorée | 1 pièceBlanc | 1 pièceRose | 1 pièceCouleur claire | 1 pièceYeux de démon-blanc | 1 pièceAfficher plus de couleurs

Ethnic Style Round Natural Stone Pendant Necklace In Bulk

Classification Pendant necklace Design Plating Gender Women's Material Natural stone Occasion Daily, Holiday Pattern Round Style Ethnic style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 34-36g Spu 67971
Silver Ornamental StoneSilver Red Coral StoneSilver Lapis LazuliSilver AmethystSilver TurquoiseSilver Light Pink CrystalSilver Green AventurineSilver Tiger-Shaped StoneSilver ObsidianSilver + White CrystalAfficher plus de couleurs

Retro Geometric Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Street Pattern Geometric Style Retro Weight 20g Spu 68654
FK0697|19cmFK0715|19cmFK0716|19cmFK0739|19cmFK0743|19cmFK0718|19cmFK0717|19cmFK0753|19cmFK0722|19cmFK0748|19cmFK0712|19cmFK0738|19cmFK0720|19cmFK0702|19cmFK0708|19cmFK0755|19cmFK0706|19cmFK0728|19cmFK0723|19cmFK0731|19cmFK0729|19cmFK0742|19cmFK0698|19cmFK0705|19cmFK0737|19cmFK0711|19cmFK0713|19cmFK0732|19cmFK0752|19cmFK0719|19cmFK0734|19cmFK0709|19cmFK0704|19cmFK0744|19cmFK0703|19cmFK0726|19cmAfficher plus de couleurs

Bague ouverte rétro en forme de U, incrustation en acier inoxydable, coquille en pierre naturelle, plaquée or 14 carats

Catégorie Anneaux ouverts Métal Acier inoxydable Placage Plaqué Or 14K Pierre Pierre naturelle, Coquillage Genre Unisexe Conception Incruster Occasion Anniversaire Modèle Forme en U Style Rétro Poids 11g
0506070910141516170411130301Afficher plus de couleurs

Anneau ouvert en pierre naturelle de placage en acier titane géométrique de style vintage

Catégorie Anneaux ouverts Métal Acier au titane Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Géométrique Style Style vintage Poids 15g
SR21012333BSR21012801BSR22042609TSR22042610TSR22042609GNSR22042610WAfficher plus de couleurs

1 Piece Natural Stone Crystal Iron Tree

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal, Iron, Natural stone Pattern Tree Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 4-8g Spu 25851
Colorful|Pure NaturalAmethyst|Pure NaturalTiger Eye|Pure NaturalWhite crystal|Pure NaturalGreen Aventurine|Pure NaturalRed agate|Pure NaturalPink crystal|Pure NaturalCoral Red|Pure NaturalPomegranate Red|Pure NaturalIndian Agate|Pure NaturalTea crystal|Pure NaturalRedstone|Pure NaturalGlitter|Pure NaturalProtein|Pure NaturalCitrine|Pure NaturalGreen Gold|Pure Naturalobsidian|Pure NaturalTurquoise|Pure NaturalWatermelon Red|Pure NaturalPurple Fluorite|Pure NaturalOlive green|Pure NaturalHuang Dongling|Pure NaturalRed and Green Treasure|Pure NaturalBlue Sand|Pure NaturalStrawberry Quartz|Pure NaturalMoonstone|Pure NaturalTourmaline|Pure NaturalAmazon|Pure NaturalGreen|Pure NaturalAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Irregular Crystal Beaded Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Women's Material Crystal Occasion Daily Pattern Irregular Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 27-30g Spu 1898
White crystalStrawberry quartzopalEgg Yolk StonePink crystalRed JasperRed agateTiger EyeUnakiteCitrineNugget sandBlue AventurineBlue sanGreen Olive 3-5mmGreen Olive 5-7mmFantasy AmethystColorfulRose StoneLapis LazuliGarnetWater plants agateSunstoneAmazoniteWatermelon RedLavender AmethystMoonstoneGreen AventurineAfficher plus de couleurs

Natural Stone Casual Geometric Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Holiday Pattern Geometric Style Casual Quantity 1 Piece Weight 30g Spu 65958
B1732 Pink Crystal|8mm,18cmB1758 White Turquoise|8mm,18cmB1744 Turquoise|8mm,18cmB1718 Malachite|8mm,18cmB1757 Black Flash|8mm,18cmB1729 Blue Point Stone|8mm,18cmB1714 Rhodochrosite|8mm,18cmB1753 Old Topaz|8mm,18cmB1715 Amazon Stone|8mm,18cmB1761 Blue of Heaven Mountain|8mm,18cmB1717 Indian Agate|8mm,18cmB1754 Violet|8mm,18cmB1775 Opal|8mm,18cmB1730 Unakite|8mm,18cmB1745 Tianhe Stone|8mm,18cmB1737 Black Line Red Pattern|8mm,18cmB1746 Natural Pine|8mm,18cmB1734 Amethyst|8mm,18cmB1716 Jade|8mm,18cmB1738 Green Aventurine|8mm,18cmB1747 Striped Agate|8mm,18cmB1735 Tourmaline|8mm,18cmAfficher plus de couleurs

Minimalist Heart Shape Natural Stone Ferroalloy Pendant Necklace

Chain type Cable chain Classification Pendant necklace Design Knitting Gender Women's Material Ferroalloy, Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Heart shape Style Simple style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 21g Spu 68734...
Bronze AmethystBronze Green AventurineBronze TopazBronze Pink CrystalBronze FluoriteBronze White CrystalBronze Tiger-Shaped StoneBronze Flash StoneBronze RedstoneAfficher plus de couleurs

Retro Ethnic Style Devil'S Eye Alloy Natural Stone Elastic String Woven Chain Bracelets In Bulk

Chain material Elastic string Chain type Woven chain Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Unisex Material Alloy, Elastic string, Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Devil's eye Pendant material Alloy, Natural stone...
Bright Black|19cmBlue Pine|19cmGreen Peacock|19cmRed Network|19cmVolcanic rock|19cmWatermelon|19cmGreen Aventurine|19cmFlash|19cmLilac|19cmBlack Line Blue Pine|19cmOlive green|19cmPink Zebra|19cmLeopard Skin|19cmAfrican Pine|19cmBlue Pattern|19cmWhite Stone|19cmSnowflake|19cmNew Lark|19cmBlack Line Red Pattern|19cmImport White-Barked Pine|19cmPhoenix Green Gold|19cmFluorite|19cmPink Cat's Eye|19cmBlue Cat Eye|19cmAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Round Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets

Chain material Brass, Soft clay Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Women's Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Round Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 7-15g Spu 823
4mm Matte|19cm4mm Black Glass|19cm4mm Red Network|19cm4mm Grass Yellow Pine|19cm4mm Map Stone|19cm4mm White Fossil|19cm4mm Amazon|19cm4mm Green Cat's Eye|19cm4mm Bloodstone|19cm4mm Spot|19cm4mm Huang Dongling|19cm4mm Dark Pink White Stone|19cm4mm Miscellaneous Stone|19cm4mm Indian Agate|19cm4mm Dark Blue Cat 'S Eye|19cm4mm Imitation Aquamarine|19cm4mm Blue Cat Eyes|19cm4mm Old Topaz|19cm4mm Green Dot|19cm4mm Flash Stone|19cm4mm Blue Agate|19cm4mm Blue Sand|19cm4mm Lilac|19cm4mm Pink Zebra|19cm4mm Tree Pattern Agate|19cm4mm Russian Jade|19cm4mm Shoushan Stone|19cm4mm Black Line Red Pattern|19cm4mm Dragon Blood Stone|19cm4mm African Bloodstone|19cm4mm Natural Pine|19cm4mm Crazy Agate|19cm4mm Mexican Jade|19cm4mma Blue Pattern|19cm4mm Egg Yolk Stone|19cm4mm Imported White-Barked Pine|19cm4mm Phoenix Green Gold|19cm4mm Fluorite|19cmAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Solid Color Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Unisex Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Solid color Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 13-16g Spu 828
Red turquoise|19cmVolcanic rock|19cmWatermelon rind|19cmWhite Stone|19cmTransparent Pink Aventurine|19cmRetro Gold Volcanic Rock|19cmRetro Silver Volcanic Rock|19cmGun Black Volcanic Rock|19cmElectroplating Colorful Volcanic Rock|19cmLeopard Skin|19cmPurple Weathering|19cmPattern Agate|19cmOrange Striped Agate|19cmRose Striped Agate|19cmBlue Fire Agate|19cmBlue Cat Eye|19cmBlack Weathering|19cmBlue Wind|19cmRose Red Weathering|19cmLight Green Cat's Eye|19cmPink Cat's Eye|19cmTree Pattern Agate|19cmBlack Six Words|19cmNatural Stone Old Topaz|19cmBlue Aventurine|19cmOrange Red Cat's Eye|19cmLight Blue Shoushan Stone|19cmGreen Shoushan Stone|19cmNatural Glitter|19cmNatural Prehnite|19cmNew Light Red Tiger Eye|19cmPurple Tiger|19cmPurple Emperor Stone|19cmA Golden Tiger|19cmNatural Garnet|19cmNatural Lapis Lazuli|19cmNatural Sunstone|19cmNatural Wollastonite|19cmBlack hair crystal|19cmAfficher plus de couleurs

Mode œil du diable paume pierre de cristal artificielle perles de polissage irrégulières Bracelets 1 pièce

Pierre Cristal artificiel, pierre naturelle, pierre Genre Unisexe Conception Perlé, irrégulier, polissage Occasion Tous les jours Modèle Oeil du diable, paume Style Mode Poids 28g
Sl378a08 Noir PailletéSl378a06 Cristal RoseSl378a01 ObsidienneSl378a03 Aventurine verteSl378a05 Oeil de TigreSl378a07 Blanc TurquoiseSl378a10 pierre rougeSl378a04 Cristal BlancSl378a09 Pierre à grains bleusSl378a02 AméthysteAfficher plus de couleurs

Minimalist Geometric Alloy Natural Stone Knitting Pendant Necklace

Chain type Cable chain Classification Pendant necklace Design Knitting Gender Women's Material Alloy, Natural stone Occasion Street Pattern Geometric Style Simple style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 18g Spu 68936
Golden Amethyst|Pure NaturalGolden Green Gold|Pure NaturalGolden Green Fluorite|Pure NaturalGolden Pink Crystal|Pure NaturalGolden Redstone|Pure NaturalGolden White Crystal|Pure NaturalGolden Citrine|Pure NaturalGolden Tiger-Shaped Stone|Pure NaturalAfficher plus de couleurs

1 Pair Retro Geometric Natural Stone Plating Metal Drop Earrings

Classification Drop earrings Design Metal, Plating Gender Women's Material Natural stone Occasion Shopping Pattern Geometric Style Retro Quantity 1 Pair Weight 20g Spu 67961
Silver Green GoldSilver Green AventurineSilver FluoriteSilver + AmethystSilver + Red AgateSilver Pink CrystalSilver Gray PhosphiteSilver + White CrystalSilver ObsidianSilver CitrineSilver TourmalineSilver + CitrineSilver + Olive GreenSilver AquamarineSilver Light AmethystAfficher plus de couleurs

Collier de boucles d'oreilles ovales en titane et acier, plaqué or 18 carats, pierre naturelle, vente en gros

Métal Acier au titane Placage Plaqué Or 18 Carats Pierre Pierre naturelle Genre Femmes Conception Incruster Couleur Or Occasion Banquet Modèle ovale Style Élégant Poids 6g
|F742-Boucles d'oreilles Or|P1424-Collier Or-40+5cm

Ethnic Style Color Block Crystal Agate Unisex Bracelets 1 Piece

Category Crystal Bracelets, Natural Stone Bracelets Inlay material Agate, Crystal, Natural Stone Occasion Holiday Pattern Color Block Style Ethnic Style Gender Unisex Quantity 1 Piece Weight 19-28g Spu 1503
Amber-yellow glassPink crystalWatermelon RedHeather Green GoldHemp Stone Imitation African PineGreen Aventurine (Color Added)Yellow tiger's eyeRed TigereyeAmazonYellow jadeBlack agateWarm TopazImport White-Barked PinePink Aventurine (Dark)Green FluoriteAmethystTiger-eye blueAfficher plus de couleurs

Fashion Geometric Natural Stone Polishing Pendant Necklace

Classification Pendant necklace Design Polishing Gender Women's Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Geometric Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 5-7g Spu 1216
Leather rope|Pure NaturalPink crystal|Pure NaturalTigereye|Pure NaturalGreen Aventurine|Pure NaturalBlackstone|Pure Naturalopal|Pure NaturalWatermelon Red|Pure NaturalUnakite|Pure NaturalDrawing Stone|Pure NaturalRedstone|Pure NaturalBlue gold sand|Pure NaturalRed Sands|Pure NaturalWhite turquoise|Pure NaturalRed turquoise|Pure NaturalBlack Turquoise|Pure NaturalVolcanic rock|Pure NaturalRed and Green Treasure|Pure NaturalBlue Point Stone|Pure NaturalWatermelon rind|Pure NaturalLapis Lazuli|Pure NaturalCitrine|Pure NaturalRed agate|Pure NaturalAmethyst|Pure NaturalAfficher plus de couleurs

Minimalist Geometric Natural Stone Beaded Bracelets 1 Piece

Classification Bracelets Design Beaded Gender Men's Material Natural stone Occasion Daily Pattern Geometric Style Simple style Weight 17-29g Spu 1765
FD0179-19cmFD0181-19cmFD0180-19cmFD0184-19cmFD0167-19cmFD0170-19cmFD0169-19cmFD0171-19cmFD0173-19cmFD0174-19cmFD0175-19cmFD0176-19cmFD0182-19cmFD0183-19cmFD0177-19cmFD0168-19cmFD0178-19cmAfficher plus de couleurs

Expressive Natural Stone Electroplating Necklaces

Chain type Regular Chain Gender Women Inlay material Natural Stone Pendant material Stone Plating material Electroplating Style Expressive Weight 10g Spu 19343
1 # Blue Pine2 # Qingjing3 # African Jade4 # Powder Crystal5 # gray amphibole6 # Egg White Jade7 # Amethyst8 # Tianhe Stone10 # Tiger StoneAfficher plus de couleurs

Minimalist Leaf Alloy Natural Stone Knitting Pendant Necklace

Chain type Cable chain Classification Pendant necklace Design Knitting Gender Women's Material Alloy, Natural stone Occasion Street Pattern Leaf Style Simple style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 15g Spu 71311
Silver + AmethystSilver Green GoldSilver Tiger-Shaped StoneSilver ObsidianSilver OpalSilver Pallisandro ClassicoSilver + Red AgateSilver TurquoiseSilver Green AventurineAfficher plus de couleurs

Retro Tortoise Color Block Turquoise Agate Tiger Eye Bracelets

Classification Bracelets Gender Unisex Material Agate, Tiger eye, Turquoise Occasion Holiday Pattern Color block, Tortoise Style Retro Quantity 1 Piece Weight 16-30g Spu 65967
Matte AmazonHematiteVolcanic rockWhite-barked pinePeacockLapis LazuliPink crystalTiger EyeIndian AgateGlossy AmazonRedBlue WindAfrican PineRed Tiger EyePictureAfficher plus de couleurs