Crystal Pendants

73 Items

Crystal Pendants

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Retro Lady Heart Shape Crystal Agate Knitting Charms

Category Crystal Pendants Material Agate, Crystal Design Knitting Pattern Heart Style Retro Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity 1 Piece Weight 9g Spu 25866
Synthetic Opal-Without ChainNatural Red Jasper-Without ChainSilver Thread-obsidian-Without ChainMostrar más colores

1 Piece Natural Stone Crystal Iron Tree

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal, Iron, Natural stone Pattern Tree Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 4-8g Spu 25851
Colorful|Pure NaturalAmethyst|Pure NaturalTiger Eye|Pure NaturalWhite crystal|Pure NaturalGreen Aventurine|Pure NaturalRed agate|Pure NaturalPink crystal|Pure NaturalCoral Red|Pure NaturalPomegranate Red|Pure NaturalIndian Agate|Pure NaturalTea crystal|Pure NaturalRedstone|Pure NaturalGlitter|Pure NaturalProtein|Pure NaturalCitrine|Pure NaturalGreen Gold|Pure Naturalobsidian|Pure NaturalTurquoise|Pure NaturalWatermelon Red|Pure NaturalPurple Fluorite|Pure NaturalOlive green|Pure NaturalHuang Dongling|Pure NaturalRed and Green Treasure|Pure NaturalBlue Sand|Pure NaturalStrawberry Quartz|Pure NaturalMoonstone|Pure NaturalTourmaline|Pure NaturalAmazon|Pure NaturalGreen|Pure NaturalMostrar más colores

Cute Apple Natural Stone Polishing Crystal Charms

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Natural stone Design Crystal, Polishing Pattern Apple Style Cute Quantity 1 Piece Weight 15g Spu 26014
20mm Green Aventurine (Single)20mm Tigereye (Single)20mm Lilac (Single)20mm Rose Aurora (Single)20mm Blue Dot Jade (Single Piece)20mm Unakite (Single)20mm Indian Agate (Single)20mm Obsidian (Single)20mm White Crystal (Single)20mm Pink Crystal (Single)20mm White Turquoise (Single)20mm Opal (Synthetic) (Single)20mm Amethyst (Single)20mm Spot (Single)20mm Auspicious Jade (Single Piece)20mm Rose Stone (Single)20mm Fluorite (Single)20mm Watermelon Red (Synthetic) Single20mm Crazy Agate (Single)Mostrar más colores

Retro Tree Water Droplets Natural Stone Crystal Charms

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal, Natural stone Pattern Tree, Water Drop Style Retro Quantity 1 Piece Weight 18g Spu 26795
Obsidian Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalOpal Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalOpal Bronze (without Chain)|Pure NaturalTigereye Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalOpal Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalPink Crystal Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalGreen Aventurine Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalGreen Aventurine Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalPink Crystal Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalTigereye Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalObsidian Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalPink Crystal Bronze (without Chain)|Pure NaturalWhite Crystal Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalWhite Crystal Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalGreen Dongling Bronze (without Chain)|Pure NaturalTigereye Bronze (without Chain)|Pure NaturalObsidian Bronze (without Chain)|Pure NaturalAmethyst Gold (without Chain)|Pure NaturalAmethyst Silver (without Chain)|Pure NaturalMostrar más colores

1 Piece 30-50mm Natural Stone Crystal Irregular Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal, Natural stone Design Polishing Pattern Irregular Style Casual, Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 30-50mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 9g...
Citrine Single Pendant without ChainPink Crystal Single Pendant without ChainAmethyst Single Pendant without ChainFluorite Single Pendant without ChainMostrar más colores

Natural Crystal Small Mushroom Pendant Agate Semi-precious Stone Ore Diy Necklace Ornament

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Occasion Daily Pattern Mushroom Style Classic style, Simple Color Blue, Champagne, Green, Pink, White Quantity 1 Piece Weight 10-12g Spu 25734
|Strawberry quartz|Red Jasper|Red Stone|Topaz|Malachite|Turquoise|Blue Grain Stone|Rose Stone|Opal|Aventurine|Pink crystal|Labradorite|Agate|Purple mica|Cherry agate|AmethystMostrar más colores

Crystal Agate Stone Rough Stone Gilding Electroplated Small Pendant Semi-finished Diy Bracelet Necklace Earrings Jewelry Material

Category Crystal Pendants Color Black, Blue, Purple, Rose red, Yellow Weight 7-100g Spu 25726
Black tourmalineAmethystFluoriteTurquoiseAmazoniteStrawberry quartzPink crystalCitrineLemon CrystalMostrar más colores

1 Piece Sweet Strawberry Arylic Artificial Crystal Pendant Jewelry Accessories

Category Crystal Pendants Material Acrylic, Artificial crystal Pattern Strawberry Style Sweet Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity 1 Piece Weight 9g Spu 25822
1# Single10# Transparent Color Single Price2# Single3# Single4# Single5# Single6# Single7# Single8# Single9# Single11# SingleMostrar más colores

Minimalist Coffin Natural Stone Polishing Crystal Charms

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Natural stone Design Crystal, Polishing Pattern Coffin Style Simple Quantity 2 Pieces Weight 11g Spu 26618
Unakite (Single)Lapis Lazuli (Single)Pink Aventurine (Single)Indian Agate (Single)Red Jasper (Single )Green Aventurine (Single)Obsidian (Single)Rose Aurora (Single)Blue Grain Stone (Single)Rose Stone (Single)Dragon Blood Stone (Single)Golden Swan (Single)Tigereye (Single)Blue Aventurine (Single)Red Aventurine(Single)Crazy Agate (Single)White Crystal (Single)White Turquoise (Single)Opal (Synthetic) (Single)Pallisandro Classico (Synthetic) (Single)Mostrar más colores

Ethnic Style Solid Color Crystal Charms

Category Copper Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Copper, Natural stone Design Irregular Pattern Solid color Style Ethnic style Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity 1 Piece Weight 13g Spu 26076
Amazon (Single)Amethyst (Single)Lapis Lazuli (Single)Tigereye (Single)Tianshan Blue (Single)Spotted Stone (Single)Obsidian (Single)Pink Crystal (Single)White Turquoise (Single)White Jade (Single Piece)White Crystal (Single)Mostrar más colores

1 Piece 50mm Artificial Crystal Life Tree Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal Design Plating Pattern Life tree Style Artistic, Chinoiserie, Classic style Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 50mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 16g Spu...
5cm Silver Loose Root3cm Silver round3cm Golden round3cm Silver Love Heart3cm Golden Heart5cm Silver Curved Root5cm Silver Love Heart5cm Golden Loose Root5cm Golden Curved Root5cm Golden Heart5cm Bronze Scattered Root5cm Bronze Curved Root5cm Bronze Heart3.5 * 9cm Bronze NotesMostrar más colores

Minimalist Round Natural Stone Crystal Polishing Unisex Spirit Pendulum

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal, Natural stone Occasion Daily Design Polishing Pattern Round Style Simple Gender Unisex Quantity 1 Piece Weight 23g Spu 26134
White crystal-F269-WhiteCrystalBlack agate-F269-BlackOnyxRed agate-F269-RedAgateTiger Eye-F269-TigerEyeBlue san-F269-BlueSandTurquoise-F269-BlueTurquoiseGreen Aventurine-F269-GreenAventurinTurquoise-F269-TurquoiseLapis Lazuli-F269-Lapis LazuliAmethyst-F269-AmethystPink crystal-F269-Pink-QuartzGold Sand-F269-Brown-SandHaematite F269-HematiteProtein-F269-OpalMostrar más colores

1 Piece 13*18mm Natural Stone Crystal Water Droplets Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal, Natural stone Design Polishing Pattern Water Drop Style Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 13*18mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 3g...
Red JasperGreen AventurineTiger EyeCrystalLapis LazuliRhodoniteAmethystAmazoniteHowlitePink crystalAmazonLilacLight Color Labradorite· Dark LabradoriteOpal (Synthetic)Mostrar más colores

1 Piece Copper Natural Stone Crystal Agate Round Tree

Category Copper pendants, Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Copper Inlay material Agate, Crystal, Natural stone Insert material Agate, Crystal, Natural stone Plating material 18k gold plated Plating 18k gold...
Tiger EyeRose QuartzLapisAmethystUnakiteOpalBlack OnyxBrown SandGreen AventurineBlue SandGreen TurquoiseWhite TurquoiseRed JasperRed AgateMostrar más colores

1 Piece 35 * 45mm Artificial Crystal Moon Life Tree Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal Design Polishing Pattern Life tree, Moon Style Chinoiserie, Classic style, Vintage style Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 35 * 45mm Quantity 1...
Pink crystal|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmRainbow color|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmWhite Crystal|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmTiger Eye|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmColored Blue Gold|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmGreen Aventurine|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmobsidian|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmProtein|Unified Quality (No Picking) 35 * 45mmMostrar más colores

1 Piece Natural Stone Natural Stone Crystal Agate Owl

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Natural stone Inlay material Agate, Crystal, Natural stone Insert material Agate, Crystal, Natural stone Plating material 18k gold plated Plating 18k gold plated...
OpalBlue SandTiger EyeAmethystBlack OnyxRose QuartzRed AgateLapisBrown SandGreen TurquoiseClear CrystalGreen AventurineMalachiteMostrar más colores

1 Piece Gem Crystal Heart Shape

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal, Gemstone Pattern Heart Style Retro Quantity 1 Piece Weight 2-5g Spu 25945
White crystalChainBlue PatternLuminous StoneWatermelon CrystalBlue Luminous StoneRose Luminous StoneopalWatermelon RedGreen AventurineSpotMalachiteOlive greenRed and Green TreasureGreen PineImitation Blue GoldWhite-barked pine1White Dot BluePictureRainbowWhite agateGray Agate3TopazRed JasperPink crystalSandsBlue SandTiger EyeBlack agateRed agateLake Blue AgateRose Red AgatePurple AgateAmethystMostrar más colores

1 Piece Artificial Crystal Copper Square Pendant

Category Copper pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal, Copper Design Inlaid gemstone Pattern Square Style Elegant Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity 1 Piece Weight 3-10g Spu 28066
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberHemp flowers chainClip ChainO-shaped chainMostrar más colores

Classic Style Round Heart Shape Copper Inlay Crystal Glass Charms

Category Copper Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Copper Inlay material Crystal, Glass Design Inlay Pattern Heart, Round Style Classic style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 3g Spu 26001
VF439-1VF437-1VF459-1VF459-2VF459-3VF437-2VF437-3VF437-4VF439-2VF439-3VF439-4VF437-5VF438-1VF438-2VF460-1VF460-2VF460-3VF458VF453VF454VF457-1VF457-2VF457-4Mostrar más colores

Hip Hop Men Geometric Titanium Steel Crystal Inlay Pendants

Design Geometric Material Titanium Steel Plating material Crystal Style Hip Hop, Men Weight 20g Spu 41615
RubyemeraldsapphireMostrar más colores

1 Piece 27*25*10mm Crystal Bag Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Pattern Bag Style Casual, Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 27*25*10mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 17g Spu 27113
Tiger EyeUnakiteGreen AventurineobsidianRed JasperPink crystalCrystalopalAmethystGreen GoldMostrar más colores

1 Piece Artificial Crystal Mushroom

Category Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal Design Epoxy Pattern Mushroom Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 4-10g Spu 25963
White JadeRandom Color MixingTransparentWatermelon Red (Synthetic)TopazOpal (Synthetic)Black SilkLabradoriteBlack FlashBlue PatternYellow jadeGreen AventurineBlue AventurineOlive greenGolden SwanGreen Cat's EyeWhite-barked pinePink Cat's EyeDark Green Cat's EyeDark Blue Cat's EyePurple Cat's EyeSouthern JadeGreen Pine (Synthetic)Malachite (Synthetic)Sands (Synthetic)PictureRed Cat's EyeYellow Cat's EyeBlue StripesGreen DotWhite Dot BlueTiger EyePink rosePink crystalWhite crystalLilacPurple AventurineSpotMap stoneColor Pattern (Synthetic)1SnowflakeHemolytic StoneGreen and Black Dots2Red JasperRoseGray AgateStrawberry quartzFluoriteAmethystGreen GoldMostrar más colores

Fashion Solid Color Crystal Polishing Jewelry Accessories 1 Piece

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Design Polishing Pattern Solid color Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 4-8g Spu 25770
Amethyst|Without Chainopal|Without ChainColored Blue Gold|Without ChainPurple Jade|Without ChainLuminous Stone|Without ChainWatermelon Red|Without ChainPink crystal|Without ChainWhite crystal|Without ChainGold Sand|Without ChainBlue Sand|Without ChainVolcanic rock|Without ChainWhite Cat Eyes|Without ChainRedstone|Without ChainGreen Aventurine|Without Chainobsidian|Without ChainUnakite|Without ChainLabradorite|Without ChainBlack Amphibole|Without ChainSpotted stone|Without ChainSesame Red|Without ChainWhite Blue|Without ChainPurple Hemp Spot|Without ChainMalay Jade|Without ChainRed and Green Treasure|Without ChainTopaz|Without ChainRuby|Without ChainTiger Eye|Without ChainRhodochrosite|Without ChainWhite-barked pine|Without ChainDrawing Stone|Without ChainNatural Red Agate|Without ChainBlue Agate|Without ChainRose Red Agate|Without ChainPurple Agate|Without ChainGreen Fluorite|Without ChainMostrar más colores

Crystal Perfume Bottle

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Pattern Perfume bottle Style Fashion Weight 15g Spu 26629
Pink Crystal 11 FluoriteAmethyst 1White Crystal 1Mostrar más colores

1 Piece Crystal Geometric Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal, None Chain material None Occasion Casual Design Asymmetrical, Plating Pattern Geometric Style Simple Gender Women's Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity 1 Piece Weight 10g Spu...
Amethyst |Pure Naturalobsidian|Pure NaturalCitrine|Pure NaturalCrystal|Pure NaturalGreen|Pure NaturalLabradorite|Pure NaturalLemon Crystal|Pure NaturalBlack tourmaline|Pure NaturalRose Quartz|Pure NaturalMostrar más colores

10 Pcs/package Ig Style Minimalist Water Droplets Crystal Glass Jewelry Accessories

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal, Glass Pattern Water Drop Style Ig style, Simple Quantity 10 PCS/Package Weight 10g Spu 28534
White|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagWhite|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackSemi-Transparent Blue|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackRose Red Green|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackSemi-Transparent Purple|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackHalf Gun Black and Purple|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackTransparent Gray 46404|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackGold Rose Red|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackWine Red Plated|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackTransparent Green|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackRainbow AB|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackPlated Blue Black|10 * 18MM 10 Pcs/PackSemi-Transparent Blue|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagRose Red Green|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagSemi-Transparent Purple|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagHalf Gun Black and Purple|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagTransparent Gray 46404|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagGold Rose Red|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagWine Red Plated|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagTransparent Green|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagPlated Blue Black|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagRainbow AB|12 * 22MM 10 Pcs/BagMostrar más colores

1 Piece 13*40mm Artificial Crystal Alloy Geometric Pendant

Category Alloy Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Alloy, Artificial crystal Design Polishing Pattern Geometric Style Casual, Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 13*40mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 5g Spu...
X035-Light Pink CrystalX035-2mm Leather RopeX035-Light Purple CrystalX035-Watermelon Red CrystalX035-Red CrystalX035-CitrineX035-Blue crystalX035-Green crystalX035-Black crystalX035-ProteinX035-White JadeX035-Pink jadeX035-Blue JadeX035-EmeraldX035-Topaz JadeX035-Lake Blue CrystalX035-Violet CrystalX035-CrystalX035-Blue and Red GradientX035-Resin RedstoneX035-Resin SilverstoneX035-Resin Gold StoneX035-Resin TurquoiseX035-Resin Orange StoneX035-Resin Purple ShellX035-Resin RedX035-Resin Mixed ColorX035-Resin Green LemonX035-Resin Kiwi FruitX035-Resin StrawberryX035-Resin LoveX035-Resin LemonX035-Resin Mixed FruitX035-Resin PitayaX035-Resin Yellow LemonX035-GrapeX035-Silver electroplatedX035-HowliteX035-Red turquoiseX035-Black TurquoiseX035-TurquoiseX035-Lake Blue TurquoiseX035-Luminous YellowX035-Luminous PurpleX035-Luminous greenX035-Luminous OrangeX035-Luminous powderX035-Luminous Grass GreenX035-Luminous Light PinkX035-Luminous Watermelon RedX035-Luminous blueX035-Luminous Light BlueX035-Luminous JadeX035-Luminous Blue JadeX035-MalachiteX035-Natural ProteinX035-Purple Cat's EyeX035-Yellow Cat's EyeX035-Green Cat's EyeX035-Orange Cat's EyeX035-Blue Red PineX035-Black and white spotsX035-White Thread LooseX035-Mixed Ornamental StoneX035-Red Cat's EyeX035-Light Blue Loose ThreadX035-Dark Blue Loose ThreadX035-Natural Pink CrystalX035-RhodochrositeX035-Dalmatian JasperX035-Green SpotsX035-Green GoldX035-Green Flower StoneX035-Tiger EyeX035-Sky BlueX035-Red JasperX035-Natural AmethystMostrar más colores

Vintage Style Cattle Crystal Arylic Jewelry Accessories

Category Crystal Pendants Material Acrylic Inlay material Crystal Design Inlay Pattern Cattle Style Vintage style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 15g Spu 26831
No. 1-[Diameter 4cm]]|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 2|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 3-[Diameter 4cm]]|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 4|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 5|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 6|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 7|45x 46mm 13 G/pieceNo. 8 |45x 46mm 13 G/pieceMostrar más colores

Pink Crystal Heart Tree Of Life Green Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Design Polishing Color Black, Gold, Green, Purple, White Weight 12-100g Spu 25982
Green AventurineRainbow StoneLapis LazuliBlack agateWhite crystalPink crystalOpal (Synthetic)AmethystMostrar más colores

Elegant Minimalist Heart Shape Crystal Charms

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Pattern Heart Style Elegant, Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 8g Spu 26421
Random Color Mixing|20*20*6mmTopaz Glass One|20*20*6mmOne White Jade Glass|20*20*6mmOne Dark Green Jade Glass|20*20*6mmOne Protein|20*20*6mmSynthetic Green Pine|20*20*6mmSynthetic Peacock Pine|20*20*6mmSynthesize White-Barked Pine Pieces|20*20*6mmSynthetic Zebra Pine|20*20*6mmOne Korean Pine|20*20*6mmOne Red and Green Treasure|20*20*6mmPink Crystal One|20*20*6mmWhite Crystal One|20*20*6mmAdd One Color, Green and Gold|20*20*6mmOne Obsidian|20*20*6mma Green Aventurine|20*20*6mmOne Blue Grain Stone|20*20*6mmLabradorite One|20*20*6mmOne Spotted Stone|20*20*6mmVolcanic Rock One|20*20*6mmUnakite One|20*20*6mmWhite Dot Blue One|20*20*6mmOne Gold Sand|20*20*6mmOne Black Amphibole|20*20*6mmOne Redstone|20*20*6mmOne Sesame Red|20*20*6mmRose Aurora One|20*20*6mmRhodochrosite One|20*20*6mmOne Green Dot|20*20*6mmTigereye One|20*20*6mmOne Blue Sand|20*20*6mmRed Agate One|20*20*6mmOne Purple Agate|20*20*6mmOne Rose Agate|20*20*6mmOne Green Agate|20*20*6mmOne Yellow Agate|20*20*6mmOne Indian Agate|20*20*6mmDark Blue Agate One|20*20*6mmAmethyst One|20*20*6mmOne Natural Green Gold|20*20*6mmMostrar más colores

1 Piece 12*22MM Natural Crystal Copper Oval Pendant

Category Copper pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Copper, Natural crystal Design Plating Pattern Oval Style Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 12*22mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 3g Spu 28592...
Tianhe Golden|12*22mmAmethyst Gold|12*22mmAmethyst Silver|12*22mmBlue Glass Gold|12*22mmBlue Sand Gold|12*22mmWhite Crystal Gold|12*22mmSpotted Gold|12*22mmRed Gold Sand Gold|12*22mmGreen Aventurine Gold|12*22mmGreen Eye Stone Gold|12*22mmLabradorite|12*22mmGreen Gold|12*22mmProtein Gold|12*22mmPicture Gold|12*22mmRhodochrosite Gold|12*22mmPink Crystal Gold|12*22mmStrawberry Quartz Gold|12*22mmSunstone Gold|12*22mmMalachite Gold|12*22mmTiger Eye Gold|12*22mmMostrar más colores

1 Piece Crystal Crystal Heart Shape Jewelry Accessories Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Inlay material Crystal Design Irregular Pattern Heart Style Elegant, Streetwear, Sweet Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity 1 Piece Weight 2g Spu 26786
Amethyst Loving Heart Zircon PendantStrawberry Quartz Loving Heart Zircon PendantPink Crystal Loving Heart Zircon PendantMalachiteAventurine Water Drop PendantJade PendantAmethyst Water Drop PendantBlue Crystal Water Drop PendantBlack Agate Irregular PendantsBlue Pine Stone PendantWhite Crystal PendantTigereye PendantBlack agate pendantStrawberry Quartz PendantCinnabar Mini PendantAmethyst PendantMostrar más colores

Ethnic Style Human Body Gem Crystal Pendants

Category Crystal Pendants, Gemstone Pendants Material Crystal, Gemstone Pattern Human body Style Ethnic style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 28g Spu 26968
|4cm Blue Opal|4cm Red Strawberry Quartz|4cm Colored Calcite|4cm Pink Crystal|4cm Obsidian (Blackstone)Mostrar más colores

1 Piece Cute Heart Shape Alloy Inlay Jewelry Accessories

Category Alloy Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Alloy Inlay material Crystal Design Inlay Pattern Heart Style Cute Quantity 1 Piece Weight 15g Spu 27885
Synthetic Black Line Blue PineDongqing MausoleumTiger EyeWhite crystalPink crystalPallisandro classicoSynthetic OpalBlue Sand StoneAmethystMostrar más colores

1 Piece 25 * 33mm Natural Stone Crystal Agate Water Droplets Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Agate, Crystal, Natural stone Pattern Water Drop Style Casual, Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 25 * 33mm Quantity 1 Piece...
Green AventurineAmethystTiger EyeRed JasperUnakiteLapis LazuliobsidianCrystalPink crystalOpal (Synthetic)Blue Sand Stone (Synthetic)Pallisandro Classico (Synthetic)Mostrar más colores

Streetwear Heart Shape Artificial Crystal Glass Plating Charms

Category Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal, Glass Design Plating Pattern Heart Style Streetwear Quantity 1 Piece Weight 14g Spu 26570
0102030405Mostrar más colores

Minimalist Heart Shape Copper Inlay Artificial Crystal Valentine's Day Jewelry Accessories

Category Copper pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Copper Inlay material Artificial crystal Occasion Valentine's day Festival Valentine's day Design Inlay Pattern Heart Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 200g Spu 26132...
White|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmRoyal Blue|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmBlack|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmLake Blue|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmGold|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmHole Green|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmLight Green|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmBright pink|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmPurple|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmPink|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmGrey|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmRose Red|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmLight Grey|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmRed Coffee|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmBright Red|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmDeep Red|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmWhite|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmRoyal Blue|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmBlack|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmLake Blue|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmGold|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmHole Green|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmLight Green|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmBright pink|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmPurple|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmPink|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmGrey|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmLight Grey|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmRed Coffee|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmBright Red|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmDeep Red|Single Hanging Drill Surface 8mmWhite|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmRoyal Blue|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmBlack|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmLake Blue|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmGold|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmHole Green|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmLight Green|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmBright pink|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmPurple|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmPink|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmLight Grey|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmCrystal Purple|Single Hanging Drill Surface 6mmRed Coffee|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmBright Red|Single Hanging Drill Surface 10mmMostrar más colores

Ethnic Style Insect Eye Crystal Pendants Jewelry Accessories

Category Crystal Pendants, Gemstone Pendants Material Crystal Pattern Eye, Insect Style Ethnic style Quantity 1 Piece Weight 35g Spu 26418
Powder Crystal (without Chain)Tiger Eye Stone (without Chain)Flash Stone (without Chain)Green Gold (without Chain)Synthetic Turquoise (without Chain)Synthetic Watermelon Stone (without Chain)Amethyst (without Chain)Mostrar más colores

1 Piece 14*23mm 17*26mm 28*15mm Hole 2~2.9mm Hole 3~3.9mm Hole 5~5.9mm Crystal Natural Stone Round Water Droplets Rectangle Polished Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Crystal Inlay material Natural stone Design Epoxy, Inlay, Polished Finish Polished Pattern Rectangle, Round, Water Drop Style Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry...
29 X16mm Pink Crystal Gold Rim Aromatherapy Bottles Pendant|One17 X17mm Pink Crystal Semicircle Double Hole Pendant|One19 X12mm Pink Crystal Half Gold Water Drop Pendant|One17 X14mm Pink Crystal Phnom Penh Peach Heart Pendant|One14 X10mm Pink Crystal Gold Rim Square Pendant|One25 X14mm Amethyst Phnom Penh Oval Water Drop Pendant|One18 X18mm Amethyst Phnom Penh Semicircle Double Hole Pendant|One20 X10.5mm Amethyst Golden Edge Knife Pendant|One15 X12.5mm Amethyst Gold-Edged Five-Pointed Star Pendant|One18 X14mm Amethyst Phnom Penh Peach Heart Pendant|One18 X13.5mm Amethyst Golden Edge Triangle Pendant|One25 X16mm Amethyst Gold Rim Irregular Cut Surface Pendant|One17x14mm Yellow Tiger Phnom Penh Peach Heart Pendant|One19x15mm Yellow Tiger Golden Edge Triangle Pendant|One17x13mm Yellow Tiger Phnom Penh Fat Drops Pendant|One23x13mm Yellow Tiger Gold Covered Water Drop Pendant|One25x14mm Yellow Tiger Phnom Penh Diamond Pendant|One25x14mm Yellow Tiger Phnom Penh Horse Eye Pendant|One20 X10.5mm Spotted Stone Golden Edge Knife Pendant|One17 X13mm Spotted Stone Gold Rim Fat Drops Pendant|One23x13mm Dotted Stone Gold Edge Water Drop Pendant|One14 X10mm Spotted Stone Gold Rim Square Pendant|One24 X13mm Spotted Stone Rectangular Gold Rim Pendant|One20x10mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Knife Pendant|One23x14mm Green Dongling Gold Covered Water Drop Pendant|One18x14mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Peach Heart Pendant|One17x13mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Fat Drops Pendant|One21.5x13mm Green Aventurine Golden Edge Square Pendant|One24x12mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Hexagon Pendant|One23x14mm Amazon Stone Gold Edge Water Drop Pendant|One23x14mm Amazon Stone Phnom Penh Water Drop Pendant|One28x15mm Amazon Stone Golden Edge Double Hole Rectangular Pendant|One36 X32mm Pink Crystal Phnom Penh Ring Pendant|One26x10mm Green Dongling Golden Wire Winding Irregular Double Crane|One33x17mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Oval Pendant|One25x13.5mm Amazon Stone Silver Hexagonal Pendant|One19 X18mm Pink Crystal Phnom Penh Fan Pendant|One27 X17.5mm Pink Crystal Golden Edge Semicircle Pendant|One30 X17mm Pink Crystal Phnom Penh Water Drop Pendant|One27 X14mm Pink Crystal Gold Rim Irregular Water Drop Pendant|One25 X10mm Pink Crystal Gold Wire Winding Irregular Double Crane|One30 X8.5mm Amethyst Gold Rim Hexagon Prism Pendant|One24 X10mm Amethyst Gold Wire Winding Irregular Double Crane|One27 X14mm Amethyst Gold Rim Irregular Water Drop Pendant|One31 X17mm Amethyst Phnom Penh Water Drop Pendant|One38x21mm Yellow Tiger Phnom Penh Tree of Life Pendant|One27x17mm Yellow Tiger Golden Edge Semicircle Pendant|One24 X10mm Spotted Stone Gold Wire Winding Irregular Double Crane|One25 X15mm Spotted Stone Shaped Irregular Phnom Penh Pendant|One38x12mm Dotted Stone Gold Side Length Diamond Pendant|One33 X16mm Spotted Stone Phnom Penh Oval Pendant|One19x18mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Fan Pendant|One18x8mm Green Aventurine Phnom Penh Prolate Ellipse Pendant|One41x28mm Lvdongling Phnom Penh Tree of Life Pendant|One32x20mm Amazon Stone Gold Rim Double Hole Oval Pendant|One35x21mm Amazon Stone Gold Side Long Oval Pendant|One41x10mm Green Dongling Golden Wire Winding Hexagon Prism Pendant|One38 X23mm Pink Crystal Phnom Penh Water Drop Pendant|One32 X15mm Pink Crystal Gold Rim Rectangle Pendant|One37 X12mm Pink Crystal Gold Rim Long Water Drops Pendant|One30 X21mm Amethyst Silver Wire Winding Irregular Square Pendant|One29 X16mm Spotted Stone Gold Rim Aromatherapy Bottles Pendant|One38x24mm Dotted Stone Water Drop Pendant|One33 X20mm Spotted Stone Double Hole Irregular Phnom Penh round Pendant|One37x12.5mm Green Dongling Golden Edge Long Diamond Pendant|One30x15mm Amazon Stone Phnom Penh Rectangle Pendant|One38x13mm Amazon Stone Gold Side Length Diamond Pendant|One30x21mm Yellow Tiger Golden Edge Large Oval Pendant|One35 X31mm Spotted Stone Phnom Penh Ring Pendant|One36x32mm Amazon Stone Silver Edge Ring Pendant|One34x17mm Amazon Stone Gold Rim Diamond Pendant|One26x17mm Amazon Stone Gold Rim Irregular Oval Pendant|One33x30mm Hexagonal Green Aventurine|OneMostrar más colores

1 Piece Crystal Solid Color

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Pattern Solid color Style Fashion Quantity 1 Piece Weight 19-21g Spu 26449
Amethyst (without Chain)Colorful Swing ChainTransparent Powder (without Chain)Transparent Purple (without Chain)Clear (without Chain)Pink Crystal (without Chain)Green Aventurine (without Chain)Tiger Eye (without Chain)White Crystal (without Chain)Green Gold (without Chain)Topaz (Without Chain)Watermelon Red (without Chain)Protein (without Chain)Green Pine (without Chain)Peacock (without Chain)Obsidian (without Chain)Serpeggiante (without Chain)Spotted Stone (without Chain)White Blue (without Chain)Mostrar más colores

Elegant Streetwear Heart Shape Crystal Alloy Charms

Category Alloy Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Alloy Inlay material Crystal Occasion Holiday, Shopping Design Inlay Pattern Heart Style Elegant, Streetwear Gender Women's Quantity 1 Piece Weight 20g Spu 26891
Pink Crystal/Single PendantWhite Crystal/Single PendantGreen Aventurine/Single PendantTiger Eye/Single PendantObsidian/Single PendantProtein/Single PendantGold Sand/Single PendantGreen Pine/Single PendantMostrar más colores

Minimalist Solid Color Copper Inlay Artificial Crystal Jewelry Accessories

Category Copper pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Copper Inlay material Artificial crystal Design Inlay Pattern Solid color Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 200g Spu 26384
Brown|round Flat PendantBlack|round Flat PendantRed|round Flat PendantLake Blue|round Flat PendantWine Red|round Flat PendantHole Green|round Flat PendantLight Blue|round Flat PendantRose Red|round Flat PendantMostrar más colores

1 Piece 20mm Artificial Crystal Copper Wire Heart Shape Pendant

Category Copper Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal, Copper wire Pattern Heart Style Cartoon style Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size 20mm Quantity 1 Piece Weight 10g Spu 26809...
Amethyst|20mm without ChainPink crystal|20mm without ChainTiger Eye|20mm without ChainWhite Crystal|20mm without Chainobsidian|20mm without ChainWhite Glitter|20mm without ChainNugget sand|20mm without ChainGreen Aventurine|20mm without ChainBlue Grain Stone|20mm without ChainRedstone|20mm without ChainGreen Pine|20mm without ChainProtein|20mm without ChainMostrar más colores

1 Piece Crystal Round

Category Crystal Pendants Material Crystal Design Polishing Pattern Round Style Retro Quantity 1 Piece Weight 20g Spu 26689
White Shell 11 Protein (Synthetic)Tigereye 1One QingjinPink Crystal 1One Green Aventurine1 Jinsha (Synthetic)Turquoise 1 (Synthetic)One Blue Sand (Synthetic)One Obsidian1 Abalone ShellMostrar más colores

1 Piece 25*45MM Alloy Natural Stone Crystal Cat Pendant

Category Alloy Pendants, Crystal Pendants, Natural Stone Pendants Material Alloy Inlay material Crystal, Natural stone Design Inlay, Polishing Pattern Cat Style Cute, Simple Jewelry making type Pendant Jewelry making size...
Light Pendant 01-Green AventurineLight Pendant 02-White CrystalLight Pendant 03-Pink CrystalLight Pendant 04-LabradoriteLight Pendant 05-UnakiteLight Pendant 06-Blue DotLight Pendant 07-Tiger EyeLight Pendant 09-Green GoldLight Pendant 10-PeacockLight Pendant 11-ProteinLight Pendant 12-Green PineLight Pendant 13-Blue SandPendant 14-Unakite (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 15-Blue Dot (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 16-Pink Crystal (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 17-Green Aventurine (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 18-Tigereye (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 19-Labradorite (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 20-White Crystal (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 21-Amethyst (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 23-Peacock (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 24-Blue Sand (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 25-Obsidian (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 26-Protein (Containing Leather Rope)Pendant 27-Green Pine (Including Leather Rope)Pendant 28-Green Gold (Including Leather Rope)Light Pendant 08-AmethystMostrar más colores

Minimalist Commute Round Crystal Pendants Jewelry Accessories

Category Crystal Pendants, Gemstone Pendants Material Crystal Design Irregular Pattern Round Style Commute, Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 24g Spu 27108
Yellow without Chain|Pure NaturalPurple Pendant without Chain|Pure NaturalGreen Pendant without Chain|Pure NaturalBlue Pendant without Chain|Pure NaturalBright Red Pendant without Chain|Pure NaturalPink Pendant without Chain|Pure NaturalColorful Pendant without Chain|Pure NaturalMostrar más colores

Minimalist Solid Color Artificial Crystal Patchwork Jewelry Accessories

Category Crystal Pendants Material Artificial crystal Design Patchwork Pattern Solid color Style Simple Quantity 1 Piece Weight 18g Spu 26946
Amethyst (without Chain)|Silver RoseGreen Pine (without Chain)|Silver RosePeacock (without Chain)|Silver RoseProtein (without Chain)|Silver RoseBlack Crystal (without Chain)|Silver RosePink Crystal (without Chain)|Silver RoseAventurine (without Chain)|Silver RoseRedstone (without Chain)|Silver RoseWhite Blue (without Chain)|Silver RoseWhite Crystal (without Chain)|Silver RoseTiger Eye (without Chain)|Silver RoseGold Sand (without Chain)|Silver RoseBlue Sand (without Chain)|Silver RoseMostrar más colores

1 Piece 304 Stainless Steel Crystal Zirconium 18K Gold Plated Cross Dollar Jewelry Accessories Pendant

Category Crystal Pendants Material 304 stainless steel Inlay material Crystal zirconium Plating material 18k gold plated Design Inlay, Plating Pattern Cross, Dollar Style Glam, Hip-hop, Shiny Jewelry making type Pendant...
Gold|1 Pc/PackageSilver|1 Pc/PackageBlack|1 Pc/PackageMostrar más colores

1 Piece 2.3*7cm 2*2cm Alloy Rhinestones Heart Shape Phone Case Stick-on Crystals Accessories Hole Shoes Accessories

Category Alloy Pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Alloy Inlay material Rhinestone Design Enamel, Inlay, Plating Pattern Heart Style Modern style, Simple Jewelry making type Hole shoes accessories, Phone case stick-on crystals...
D444 Rose Red Peach Heart (Rose Red)|AlloyD731 Love Pendant|AlloyD1890-Diamond Studded Hollow Love|AlloyD1589-Love|AlloyD1887-Black Dripping Heart|AlloyD1888-Pink Dripping Heart|AlloyD1715-White Dripping Heart|AlloyD353 Love Pendant|AlloyD1449 Fully Jeweled Loving Heart|AlloyD1683 Green Colorful Love|AlloyD1682ab Color Love|AlloyD442 Colorful Accessories Love|AlloyMostrar más colores

1 Piece Copper Artificial Crystal Plating Inlay Pendant Valentine'S Day

Category Copper pendants, Crystal Pendants Material Copper Inlay material Artificial crystal Occasion Valentine's day Festival Valentine's day Design Inlay, Plating Pattern Heart Style Simple, Sweet Jewelry making type Pendant Quantity...
Pink + Green|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerPink and White|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerBlack + white|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerBlue and white|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerBlue & green|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerColorful|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerPurple + White|12 * 15mm Love Heart Tourmaline Single HangerMostrar más colores